The global market demand for spelled is constantly growing. This niche could well be occupied by Ukrainian farmers.
Today in Ukraine there is an order for tens of thousands of tons of spelled, but there is not enough volume of its cultivation. In such conditions, grain traders buy spelled even in minimum batches of 5 tons or more. The disappointing situation with spelled is also on the world market. The offer on the market does not meet the ever-growing demand for spelled by buyers.
Experts explain the situation with the lack of spelled grain in Ukraine and in the world with poor crops due to the fact that farmers do not adhere to agricultural technology. So far, spelled remains a little-known culture and farmers simply do not know how to grow it. Indeed, the cultivation of spelled is different from the cultivation of ordinary wheat. Spelt does not recognize any fertilizers and not all soils are suitable for it. These and other factors negatively affect the entire supply chain, lead to demotivation of farmers and distributors, and affect profitability at each stage of delivery. The result is a slowdown in the spelled market.
For information, spelled was introduced into the culture in the 5th millennium BC. Since that time, the plant has not undergone a change in genetics and has come to us in its original form. Today, spelled grain is valued for its resistance to radioactive radiation and the absence of harmful substances. Spelled contains a lot of protein. When eating it for a long time, there is no feeling of hunger and increased performance.